SRCOIN is a health monitoring platform that will collect personal health data and distribute it publicly to customers, physicians, local drug providers or health research agencies who will be used as a prevention tool for various types of diseases. We will integrate this platform with Blockchain technology that will provide users with a transparent and secure system. We will target our marketing to the Singapore and Malaysia markets with a subscription system that we expect to be worth 2.2 million dollars. We will prepare SRCoin with smart-contract features and Blockchain technology, to generate a truly safe and transparent transaction flow.
We will design this Platform to collect personal health data and distribute it through the integrated massage chair database we provide, where we and other stakeholders can use this data stream to address or discover illness earlier, predict potential health, and significantly reduce maintenance costs by making the data available to health doctors. With this data flow system, we hope that medical services can seek and care for people who need medical services immediately before their health deteriorates. We estimate that this Platform continues to grow, with the US $ 10 billion health data industry, We are confident that this platform can grow and grow. Any data collected will be secured by Blockchain technology, and this data will be used periodically by various stakeholders, and for various health researches. We will set up an application that monitors user health data, and if necessary report their health needs data immediately. The Government will also be assisted by this data, as the Government can monitor the health of its Community, and immediately provide the necessary health services to the Community. We will share this massage chair along with the popular K Rental network in various countries. We are confident of enlarging and expanding our network along with K Rental and initiating changes in the health data sector. and immediately provide the necessary health services to the Community. We will share this massage chair along with the popular K Rental network in various countries. We are confident of enlarging and expanding our network along with K Rental and initiating changes in the health data sector. and immediately provide the necessary health services to the Community. We will share this massage chair along with the popular K Rental network in various countries. We are confident of enlarging and expanding our network along with K Rental and initiating changes in the health data sector.

through SRcoin with bitcoin technology we offer a modern innovation, an innovation that aims to record medical history in the database, with accurate medical history information that can be used by a Doctor or someone who needs information, through a collection of personal health information timetable databases, we can analyze disease in the early stages, of course can reduce the cost of treatment, of course SRCoin can be applied on a wider scale in the community and hospitals, With rapid analysis and blockchain technology we believe can benefit the wider community, but our noble objective needs support from your
Business SRcoin already exists in some countries like Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea, we will continue to grow and become the people's choice
With BlockChain SRCoin technology, customers will easily access personal data at any time via message chairs using the mobile app or send emails requesting information. Health information shared with government or medical institutions will be in database format.
Time Series Heart Rate Data
Time Series Blood Pressure Data
Time Series Data Sleep Analysis
Remaining Relaxation Data Series
Body Mass Index Changing Data
Body Fat Percentage Changes
Increased Detailed Ringtones
Blood Pressure Notice
Before and After Use of Data Chairs Message for Heart Rate
Before and After Use of Data Messaging Chairs for Blood Pressure All health information provided to governments and medical institutions will seek customer approval, and customers may decide to approve the collection and use of information when they enter a subscription contract for a message seat.

Reasons We Choose Blockchain
We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as our platform development platform. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with a fast and secure online transaction offering and supports all types of data and crypto. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the likelihood of cheating data. Blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. Blockchain is a growing list of notes, called blocks, connected and secured using cryptography. Each block usually contains a hash pointer as a link to the block, timestamp, and previous transaction data. Use blockchain for transactions and transparency.
Modell Business
30% of the profits earned in the 6 year period (from completion of ICO to 6 years) will be used in our buyback & burn program, which will effectively reduce the supply of SRCOIN in circulation, and will in turn raise the market price. . The value of SRCOIN and SRCOIN is owned by our ICO contributor
20% of the profits earned in the 3 year period (from the completion of ICO until year 3) will be returned to our ICO contributor in the Ethereal currency. Thus, our ICO contributors will be able to receive a large amount of their initial contribution through this smart contract structure without the need to sell SRCOIN.
The remaining 50% of the profits will be reinvested into the products that trigger our subscription business
Funds obtained from ICO SRCOIN and profits generated by the subscription business will be accounted for by an independent third party accounting firm to ensure credibility and transparency.
. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) SRCOIN is an ERC20 token on Blockwork Etereum and, through crowdfunding, will be distributed to ICO contributors as a sign of cryptography.
Number of available coins: 10.5 Billion
SRCOIN 1 ICO 1: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN + 100,000 SRCOIN Bonus
Up to 31 January 2018 (UTC) o 2 n Pre ICO: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN + 50.000 SRCOIN Bonus
February 1, 2018 ~ February 28, 2018 (UTC) o Main ICO: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN
March 1, 2018 ~ March 31, 2018 (UTC)
Payment: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN
Distribution: o Participants (70%) o Founder Team (15%) o Adviser & Acontributor Adviser (10%) o Sales Team (5%)
ICO Fund Utilization: o App Investment and App Development (95%) o Operation Project (5%) By selling bulk mass orders to our customers on a large scale through K Rental network, we will use 30% of the profits generated to implement the buy back & burn policy quarterly. Therefore, the supply of SRCOIN in circulation will decrease, and the probability of SRCOIN price increase will be higher.
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