Initially, there was the birth of social networking, now the world will experience the birth of social economy. Tipper is a revolutionary decentralized social media platform founded on tip, a paradigm shift that changes the game that brings unlimited monetization for all users, and likes the end of cheating, demonization, and censorship. "Likes", "voices", and "views" put everyone to the same level of expression, but unlimited tips due to human diversity, unlocking an unprecedented Pandora's Box for the world of monetization. For the first time, tipping is now rewarded through four revolutionary monetization features (pillars) of two-way tips, Content Thinking Tips, Moments and Branded. Tipper Blockchain performs 250K + micro transactions, bringing video-decentralized monetized videos into Facebook and YouTube scales, through technology technology Tipper's technological attraction leap.
Tipper is a social media-based blocking 'econosystem' that allows users to trade like 'tip'. When you share a post on the Tipper platform, other users can notify you using the original TIPR token from the network. So, your late nagging and meditations can end up funding your morning coffee.
Tipper is a social media-based blocking 'econosystem' that allows users to trade like 'tip'. When you share a post on the Tipper platform, other users can tip you using the network
Token sales information and token information
Tipper's 4 Pillars1. Pillar One: Tipping Model
As mentioned, likes have been replaced with tips in this new social economy for all users to monetize their social media presence directly and inclusively.
'Likes', 'votes', and 'views' restrict the output to express appreciation, which spends an unprecedented chance of monetization for countless users who push social media with all their skills, creativity, and energy. But tipping is unlimited, because of the diversity of sentiments and human emotions.
The platform not only generates revenue on a certain norm, but now there's no limit to what you can get at the post, unlocks an unprecedented Pandora's opportunity box, and notifies all new meanings.
This creates a world where a post can pay for your coffee or make you a millionaire. This is the highest 'econosystem' of patronage that pays both ways and thereby provides a 'tip' incentive. The more users stimulate the social economy by giving tips to other users, the more chances they get to get it.
2. Pillar Two: Investment Content
For the first time, Tipper introduced the world to the Content Investing feature. This will be the first Market Market Content in the world, where all users can invest and acquire their respective content. The revolutionary two-way monetization opportunity is unlike any other.
3. Pillar Three: 'Momentization'
Got great moments. Moments that bind millions, will produce millions.
Momentisasi Tip when the World we live in is full of exciting and unforgettable moments - moments we collectively share and celebrate. The winning goal of the game, which made the performance of history. Well, for the first time, the moment that binds millions, will produce millions.
Tipper now allows the creator of the moment, and the people who celebrate it, to monetize it together by letting the user give a tip these days. Currently it will be used to raise funds to purchase income-generating assets for the community. Momentized revenue will return to 'Tipper Social Economy', for peer-to-peer circulation. A new era of people funding that serves the community.
4. Pillar Four: Tipper Advertising Model
'Branded Tips'
Tipper about monetization for each user. That's why 100% of all advertising revenue goes into the Tipper platform addressed to users - where it should be provided.
This revolutionary incentive is designed to stimulate Tipper Social Economics, because billions of dollars of advertising will spread among the public. This is made possible by the low cost of Tipper's decentralized network.
Branded Tips is a game change model for advertisers. This is a revolutionary double advantage, because advertisers buy advertising space (currency traffic) and also get their money converted into Branded TipsTM (smart tip with messages) they tip directly to the users they want to achieve.
Tipper blockchain protocol feature
The Tipper Blockchain Protocol feature is as follows:
1. 250.000+ Microtransactions / s (For decent-scale YouTube video (data))
2. 50.000+ Transaction / s (For Tipping (payment) on blockchain)
3. Mining Transaction Levels (Breaking the mining pools)
4. Multi-chain Mining (scalability)
5. Mining Host
6. Quality of service
7. Personal
With this giant leap, Tipper Blockchain Protocol is a technology engine under the Tipper platform, a revolutionary two-way revolutionary peer-to-peer support platform that gives incentives to every user to make money as part of a new social media experience.
For more information:
Website: https://www.tippereconomy.io/token/index.html
Whitepaper: https://www.tippereconomy.io/Documents/TIPPER_WHITEPAPER_DRAFT_1.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tippereconomy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tippereconomy
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HjnmdhAb4dOBxP8eaiNmoA
bitcointalk profile:
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