The Initial Crass Offering (ICO) is completed so as to draw in speculators to Crassula Capital.
Financial specialist’s support in ICO implies:
Concurrence with the terms and states of the offer assention of Crassula
Capital (hereinafter alluded to as, the “TERMS AND CONDITIONS”),
Accommodation of an application for the ICO of Crassula Capital,
Installment for Crass
For interest in the ICO, financial specialists (Partners) get Bonuses (cashback), which are paid in the Ethereum digital money at the finish of the ICO. Notwithstanding the reward program, an abundance publicizing effort exists to advance the ICO. It is intended for the cooperation of outsiders, including financial specialists. No extra discharge of Crass is given. The benefits of Crassula Capital comprise of cryptographic forms of money, tokens, money and valuable metals, as characterized in Crassula Capital’s Investment Strategy. Resources have the market valuation. The market estimation of advantages is open data and can be effectively confirmed by outsiders. The Net Assets Value (NAV) of Crassula Capital is resolved in US Dollars as per the NAV technique figuring. The monetary execution of Crassula Capital is resolved on NAV as of the end and start of the revealing time frame (quarter).
Accomplices of Crassula Capital have the accompanying rights:
In the first place. The Partner is qualified for a stake/share in Crassula Capital relatively to the measure of its Crass and activities this privilege amid the term of ownership of Crass.
Second. Accomplices are paid the dispersed piece of the benefit from the expansion in the NAV of Crassula Capital on a quarterly premise.
Third. Accomplice can present a speculation proposition to Crassula Capital for its thought. On account of an affirmed speculation by the Management group, the assets of Crassula Capital will be contributed as needs be.
Fourth. The upon ICO finishing and dispersion of Crass, the Partner gets a reward (cashback) for taking an interest in the reward program.
Fifth. The Partner has the privilege to pull back from Crassula Capital by offering Crass on the open market or under Crassula Capital’s purchase back program.
The Advantages of Partnership

The expansion in NAV (benefit) of Crassula Capital is figured based on the aftereffects of the revealing time frame (quarter), in light of general society information on the exercises of Crassula Capital. It is dictated by the accompanying equation:
Benefit = NAV as of the finish of the period — NAV as of the start of the period, (in US Dollars, > 0)
The benefit conveys as takes after:
half stays in the benefits of Crassula Capital, expanding the estimation of Crass;
25% is paid to accomplices of Crassula Capital (proprietors of Crass);
25% goes to the Management Team of Crassula Capital.
For more info, please visit :
Website http://crassula.capital/
White Paper http://crassula.capital/uploads/wp_crassula_en.pdf
Presentation http://crassula.capital/uploads/pres_crassula_en.pdf
ANN https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2683182.new#new
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